Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Self-Help Books Don't Work

Happy Wednesday ya'll! Hope your week is going just the way you want it to...if not, the weekend is almost here so smile!! I had to get out and about this morning to run some errands and decided to stop by Barnes and Noble. I was checking to see if the new Southern Lady magazine had been put out yet and was there! On my way out, I always stop by the bargin books section to see if anything looks interesting. I could not help but notice the shelves were full of self-help books. Usually I am drawn to these books, I've bought so many of them I should be one FABULOUS lady by now. However, today I felt totally different. Each book I picked up and thumbed through basically said the very same thing. We spend so much money on how to clear our minds, how to lose weight, how to look and act pretty.....and none of them seem to make us into that FABULOUS person! The very words "self help" seem to say that this is something we can do for ourselves. If we read enough and do exactly what the book says, we will become the person we are searching for. As I have grown closer to the Lord and have spent some time in His word, I have come to understand that it is HIM who can transform us into the people we want to be. Without God, we are nothing and there isn't a book on the shelf that can change that. It's interesting that his "help" plan is free to us when there is so much money being made by all the gurus. We don't have to spend one cent but what a FABULOUS make-over it will be. You see that price was paid for us by Jesus and all we have to do is accept it. His word tells us clearly what we need to have a better life. I was talking with my husband about this today at lunch. I asked him why do people spend so much money and time searching for things to make them better? The authors of the books are people....just like you and me. His response to me was "people are not happy and they are searching for a way to be happy". I can tell you from personal experience, buying books will not give you the happiness you desire. I have been searching my whole life for that happiness and I can tell you my bookshelf is full. What has worked for me and yes, it will work for you too, is to get in God's word, pray, and listen for His voice. There, in the perfect will of God, you will find that happiness you are looking for. In bible study we are in II Corinthians and Paul is explaining that God will lift the veil from their eyes. I feel as though He has "lifted the veil" for me. I have been so tired in this life...always searching for something....I am renewed in His word. I hope you too will seek His face and find comfort, peace, and rest in His spirit. Thank you for reading today and I pray that I have been an encouragement to someone! Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Sabrina, I love the openness of you character and spirit! Your writings have a wonderful flow to them. It is just like you are in the book and looking at me; when I read it. Today, you have given a wonderful thought for everyone to work with in their lives. I, even stop and thank God for giving me HIS "know so Salvation" and HIS helping me to be the person that I am. Thank you for blessing folks lives!!!!!
