Monday, February 18, 2013

Praise Him In The Hallway!

Hey ya'll! I hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for a FABULOUS week! I hit the ground running today. I've just now had a chance to sit down and get my things in order. My baby girl Hannah (she's 14 but will always be my baby girl) had a doctor's appointment first thing this morning. After I got her fed and checked in school, my baby boy Paul (he's 19 hehe) called and asked for some help. It seems he had been nominated to pick up the food for a preacher's conference today at church. Being as we are Southern and Baptist, ya'll know that involved a lot of food. It took us 3 trips to get it all unloaded from the car! By the time I got home it was dang near lunch time and my husband had his first guitar student coming at 1:00. I tell you....busy! Having worked a full-time job just about all of my adult life and never having the opportunity to be a "stay at home mom", I have been trying to figure out when I had time to work. I had ideas of getting my house all organized, coming up with fabulous new recipes to try and post, piddling around town for new thrift stores....hasn't happened. Just in case you haven't heard, I lost my job last week. I've been tying to put my life in perspective and decide what I need to do next. My loving family are asking "what is your plan"? I have no idea how to respond. When things happen to us in this life, we have to understand that God is in control and whatever the circumstance is, He knew about it before it happened. I don't think it's a considence that at this particular time in my life I lost my job - I know there is a bigger plan for me. Through the years I've thought about what I wanted to be when I grew up....nurse, teacher, all different kinds of things. I did not have the opportunity to finish my education. Life is about choices, and going through a door when it is open, but being patient and waiting when it closes. It's only been a week and I know I have time to be patient and wait on the Lord. I'm excited to see what He has in store for me. I took both of my children when they were just six weeks old to my mama every morning. At the time, I had a job that required me to be there early in the morning and many evenings it was 8:00 or later when I picked them up. I know how fortunate I was to have my mama and daddy take care of them during the day, but I never had that chance to be mama. Maybe the Lord is giving me time now to be able to sit in the pick up line at school, meet my son for a quick lunch between his classes and have supper on the table when my husband comes home from work. When things happen that we perceive as "bad", maybe we should take the time to just be patient and see what God has in store for us. Yes, there are still worries, financial struggles and more, but I believe that if we are in the perfect will of God, it will all work out. Thank you for reading today and I hope I have been an encouragement. Many of us are on the same journey, let's be excited about what He has in store for the future! I read something recently that said "when the door closes in front of us, praise Him in the hallway"....there's a whole lot of truth to that! Love ya'll.


  1. Praise Him in the good times and praise Him in the bad times. He is altogether worthy of our Praise!! Worthy is the Lamb!
    I am so thankful for your out pouring of your soul. God has given you a special talent. Continue to use it for his glory!!

    1. Thanks so much Mack! I really hope this will be an encouragement! Love ya!
