Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Life Is Not Always On Time But God Is!

Hey ya''s been a few days since my last post.  I have been so busy with my "new" life.  A year, or even 6 months ago I would have never believed this would be my life.  When I think about where I thought I was heading with my life and the detours that have taken me down a different path it's mind boggling.  The peace I have experienced in the last month is over whelming.  My whole life has been filled with anxiety...always worrying about how I was going to accomplish things or financial worries, finally I'm happy.  It's very interesting to see how the Lord works, how He puts the pieces together and how perfectly they fit.  My husband is a bit cynical about things sometimes, bless his heart.  He has been known to say that when something good happens, he waits for the bad to happen.  What I have seen is that when something seemingly bad happens, something GREAT is coming!  When you get that bad news just remember that the Lord already knew about it and He is already working it out for you.  I don't have all the answers about life, I'm at the beginning of my journey and I know I have many miles to go.  Bad things happen to good people.  I get it, I know bad things happen.  I also know that if we truly submit our lives to the Lord and let Him guide us on every step, we can experience peace and joy and He will give us grace to get through the bad stuff.  Listen, I have been the person who had to do it "my way".  I grew up in church and became a Christian when I as just 3 years old, or so I was told.  I don't remember any of it, however, what I do remember is being in church, and growing up in a Christian home, and being prayed for by a Christian mama and daddy.  It's taken me 42 years to appreciate it and fully understand how much they loved me.  I have always been the "wild child" in our family.  My personality is, let's say, extremely outgoing.  I'm the first to try it, and that's not always been a good thing.  With that personality, came a very strong, stubborn will that as I look back has gotten me into so much trouble.  I hate to say that I had to be broken, but when I think of the song Molding a Masterpiece, I can see that the Lord had to heat me up so I could become easily molded in His hands.  It's not easy being heated up ya' gets hot!  I'm so glad to be turning into the vessel that He would have me to be.  I don't know what the future is, but I'm excited to see what God has in store for me.  Remember life can really beat us down, but God is there to pick us up and dust us off.  
Here are the words to the song mentioned above, it means a lot to me and I hope it will encourage you.  Love you all.

Molding a Masterpiece by Ron Hamilton

Master Potter, why do You labor all day,
Giving such effort to rough, worthless pieces of clay?
Why such feeling in Your hands? Why such care in every touch?
Why all the struggle? Your creation is nothing but dust.

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Loving Jesus, why are the children all here,
Gathered around You and eagerly clinging so near?
Urgent matters clamor loudly, and the children interfere
Why do You hold them, and so tenderly dry every tear?
I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Heavenly Father, sometimes I question Your way:
Why do You ask me to mold simple pieces of clay?
Give me eyes to see the future, though it's hidden from my view;
Give me compassion as I'm molding a treasure for You.
I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; My labor's not done.
A trophy, a treasure or worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

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